I Am Sick


I knew yesterday I wasn’t feeling well, I explained it away because I had worked really hard all week, had counseling (that’s exhausting), was feeling guilty about The Baby Girl not having a fun spring break, but the bottom line is I’m sick.

I was thinking about The Beautiful Life series and it dawned on me, I decided to write a blog post about what I would surrond myself with this weekend to make myself feel better in “A Perfect World”.

We’ll start with a room.  I’d love to be laying in a nice comfy bed like this one at HGTV.

Or this green room, I love green.

How about this room from House Beautiful?

How about hiding away at a Bed and Breakfast?

I’d make sure I had tons of beautiful flowers.

Go to fullsize image  Go to fullsize image Go to fullsize image Go to fullsize imageGo to fullsize image  Go to fullsize image

I’d take a hot bubble bath.

I can't think of any sorrow in the world that a bubble bath wouldn't help, just a little bit. by Krikit ♥.

I’d eat homemade chicken noodle soup made by some wonderful friend.

Warmth In A Bowl by Winn24

Enough of daydreaming I guess.  The reality is The Baby Girl and I are both sick and we’ll take turns laying in her bed or mine.  We’ll watch every movie on LifeTime that is appropriate for a ten year old, lots of Food Network and tons of HGTV.  We’ll enjoy popsicles.  Mr. Wonderful will go to the store and get me everything I need for Paula Dean’s chicken noodle soup and I’ll make it.  I will love every minute of snuggling with The Baby Girl, we might even convince Mr. Wonderful to rent us some “Chick Flicks”.  Did I mention we both feel horrible?

About Michelle

I started my blog as a way to connect with other paper crafters and of course it has gone a totally different direction. I've been able to share my experience as a mother, my hurt and disappointments over not having a relationship with my maternal unit, my walk with God and how knowing Him has changed me and continues to help me grow into the person I strive to be......
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2 Responses to I Am Sick

  1. Amber says:

    I LOOOOVe that green room! That would match my new kitchen!

  2. Sorry you are sick but I love your inspiring photos and ideas!

    Take care! Thanks for being a part of Beautiful Life Friday!


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