“Constant kindness can accomplish much.

As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes

misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”

Albert Schweitzer


I seriously am considering starting a blog that is just the opposite of Scrap Smack, I think of the energy and time spent being negative, hateful and in some cases down right evil.  Not to mention cowardly.  How refreshing would a blog be that focused on “the good” this hobby has done?  The scrapbook kits created for grieving moms, the RAKs that are done everyday for fellow scrappers, the boxes of donations dropped off at Ronald McDonald Houses or the friendships that help others deal with the hurts and disappointments.  The focus could be on the exceptional human beings that are “celebrity scrappers, like Jennifer and the great things they do thru this hobby.  How about focusing on forums that actually encourage and validate women and this hobby, the first one that comes to mind is Faith Sisters.  I have decided no more reading or posting at 2Peas, I’ll visit the gallery lots of talent but the negativity is over the edge…I’ll be at SNR yapping on the boards, writing articles and creating pages for the magazine.  Now to ponder what to name my “HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY BLOG”, where I will celebrate the creative women who scrapbook for the joy and still have kindness for fellow scrappers.  I’ll have a RAK for the most creative name….instead of complaining about what has happened let’s change it…..oh by the way I had over 400 hits to my blog searching for Jennifer Shabro, have I mentioned ENOUGH ALREADY!  Here is a bunch of SUNSHINE.  I love this challenge over at SNR, why do you scrapbook?  Check out the link, the winner get’s a free month at SNR and I think we all need to be reminded sometimes why we do scrapbook….

About Michelle

I started my blog as a way to connect with other paper crafters and of course it has gone a totally different direction. I've been able to share my experience as a mother, my hurt and disappointments over not having a relationship with my maternal unit, my walk with God and how knowing Him has changed me and continues to help me grow into the person I strive to be......
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1 Response to ENOUGH ALREADY!

  1. paperart says:

    Take a trip to KT Crafts forum, http://www.ktcraftsmembers.com and let yourself in. A warmer, friendlier bunch of people is hard to find!

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