
My favorite flowers are daisies.  I love them and so does The First Born.  I’d rather have a bouqet of daisies then roses any day.  I can be having a horrible day and buy myself a bouqet of daisies and they change my whole attitude, it works twice as much if Mr. Wonderful buys them.  What is your favorite flower?


 Today is one of those days that I wish I could just wave a magic wand and take the hurt away from “a friend”.  I say friend and yet I’ve never met “my friend”, she’s a blog friend.  She’s a mother who will wake up tomorrow and her heart will hurt, a milestone will be upon her that no mother should ever know.  The one year anniversary of her sweet little girl’s death.  It makes my heart hurt.  I don’t know if Sumi will even read this, but I hope anyone reading here will go over to her blog and show her some love.


I think of Ecclesiastes 7:3 today. 

Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better. 

When I studied this today and prayed for Sumi I had peace.  Today I hope Sumi let’s herself “hurt”, I hope she cries when she wants to cry, talks about Jenna when she wants to talk, writes about Jenna, I hope Sumi yells if she wants to yell.  I prayed today that Sumi will not put on a happy face, but will let herself “feel” the hurt today.  At some point today I’m sure a smile will cross her face as she thinks about her little Muffin, but I hope if she needs to be sad and hurt she allows herself.  That’s an odd thing to pray for someone unless you’ve walked in “our shoes”. 

I rarely am selfish, but February 28th for the past three years I have been selfish and I’m pretty sure that every February 28th for the rest of my time on earth I’ll be selfish.  I hope Sumi finds some of that selfishness today and spends some time just being Jenna’s Momma!

So today Sumi I’m throwing a rose your direction, huge hugs from one broken hearted momma to another!  I pictue that beautiful little girly girl dancing in a field of daisies surronded by angels!


About Michelle

I started my blog as a way to connect with other paper crafters and of course it has gone a totally different direction. I've been able to share my experience as a mother, my hurt and disappointments over not having a relationship with my maternal unit, my walk with God and how knowing Him has changed me and continues to help me grow into the person I strive to be......
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1 Response to Flowers!

  1. sumijoti says:

    Oh Michelle, thank you – I have been too busy to read many blogs and just found this post tonight.

    In a way I have still been too busy to just get sad. And part of me wants to just. be. sad. Not in a woe-is-me kind of way, but in a remembering-Jenna kind of way. I don’t know if that made any kind of sense at all. 🙂

    I appreciate your prayers and support soooooo much. Hugs back at you…

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